Chachapoyas is a beautiful valley surrounded by cloud forest in northern Peru. This is the capital of the province and also the capital of the Amazonas Region, which is why it is considered one of the most visited tourist spots in all of northeastern Peru. The city is a great gateway to great archaeological sites such as Kuelap, a walled city with hundreds of buildings from the ancient civilization.
Showing 1–16 of 26 results
Chachapoyas Classic
ChachapoyasExcursiones para escolares, universitarios y público en general...HotelEasyS/470Cajamarca, Kuélap & Gocta VIP
Cajamarca, Chachapoyas, TarapotoPaquetes en servicio privado..2-3 stars hotelEasyChachapoyas & Gocta Lodge VIP
Chachapoyas, Chiclayo, TarapotoPaquetes en servicio privado..2-3 stars hotelEasyChachapoyas Explorer
Chachapoyas, ChiclayoExcursiones para escolares, universitarios y público en general...HotelEasy